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Aug. 30, 2019

Tax transparency or Trump targeting?

Just-signed SB 27 seeks income tax disclosures from next spring's presidential primary candidates. Will it stand?

Last month Gavin Newsom signed the California Tax Transparency Bill (SB 27), which requires presidential candidates wanting to appear on next spring's California primary ballot to disclose (by November) five years of income tax returns.

The law has sparked an array of state and federal challenges, brought on behalf of voters, the state Republican party, and the President, who has strenuously resisted disclosing his income tax returns.

Two attorneys pressing those challenges - Tom Hiltachk (Bell, McAndrew & Hiltachk) and Mark Anchor Albert (Mark Anchor Albert & Associates) - say the law is partisan and violates both the state and federal constitutions. State Senator Scott Wiener (D - 11th Dist.) argues the measure falls within California's administrative authority to conduct its elections.


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