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Mar. 23, 2022

Irene Takahashi, Esq.

See more on Irene Takahashi, Esq.



Personal Injury, Employment/Title IX, Landlord-Tenant, Professional Liability, Sexual Misconduct, Business Litiagtion/Breach of Contract, Property Liability/Damages (fires, floods, crimes committed on property) and Eminent Domain.

Irene Takahashi has been an attorney for 45 years and is recognized as one of Northern California's leading mediators. Built on a solid foundation of having tried hundreds of cases to verdict, she adds to her repertoire the insight gained while serving as trial judge.

Beyond her widely acknowledged legal acumen, she has a reputation for her ability to identify, facilitate and resolve complex personal concerns that often form barriers to settlement.

She has a style that allows her to shift gears as conditions develop and unforeseen difficulties arise. Her even-handedness, wit, creative thinking and her natural ability to be comfortable interacting with all people provides the best opportunity for resolution short of trial. As one attorney put it, "Irene's perceptive instincts made the difference.

As reported by countless attorneys, she is thoughtful, wise, empathetic, approachable and a tireless mediator. Both litigants and litigators agree that she is always prepared, insightful, respectful, listens carefully and demonstrates a sincere desire to resolve differences with a dignity that inspires confidence.

Upon request, if settlement negotiations stall or break down, she will render a Mediator's Proposal, containing a monetary figure backed with logic and reasoning, for the parties to consider before closing the door to settlement.

(510) 685-3975


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