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Mar. 23, 2022

Hon. Reva G. Goetz (Ret.)

See more on Hon. Reva G. Goetz (Ret.)



Trust/Estate/Probate and Family Law

Hon. Reva G. Goetz (Ret.) began her full-time alternative dispute resolution (ADR) practice in 2015 and has successfully mediated and arbitrated hundreds of trust/estate/ probate and family law matters.

Her vast experience includes high-value trust, sensitive conservatorship and family matters for high-profile individuals, as well as complex trials as a judge pro tem. She also serves as a discovery referee, parenting plan coordinator and arbitrator. Previously, Judge Goetz served as a judicial officer for 25 years, which included both probate and family law assignments.

During her time in probate court, she heard hundreds of contested cases, including those with high-value trusts, high-profile conservatorships, undue influence and capacity issues, and highly complex accountings and surcharge petitions.

While serving on the family law court, Judge Goetz handled complex dissolutions, addressing issues such as characterization of property; separate and/or community property; high-profile individuals; complex child custody matters, including those involving children with special needs and difficult custodial schedules; business valuations; and support issues. Judge Goetz worked for many years as an accountant and financial analyst.

This background furthers her ability to resolve matters involving complex accounting questions that arise in her ADR practice, including issues concerning business valuation; property division calculation; support calculation, including stock compensation and bonus issues; and surcharge petitions.

Her accounting experience is highly valued by practitioners and has contributed greatly to her understanding of complicated issues and her ability to reach creative solutions.

(213) 253-9785


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