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State Bar & Bar Associations

Nov. 10, 2023

July bar 51.5% pass rate slightly down from 2022

Most of those tested were first-timers and they did far better than the group as a whole, with 64.8% of them passing.

July bar 51.5% pass rate slightly down from 2022

Just over half the applicants who took the July bar exam passed, the agency announced Thursday, giving the rate at 51.5%, or 3,888 successful test takers.

First-time test takers did far better than the group as a whole, with 64.8% of them passing, the bar said in a news release. Most of those tested, 67.3%, were first-timers.

The pass rate for those repeating the exam was 24.1%.

The overall pass rate a year before, in July 2022, was 52.4%, the bar said.

The total number of July test-takers this year was 7,555. A list of those who passed will be published on the State Bar website at 6 a.m. on Nov. 12, the bar said.

— Staff Report


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