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State Bar & Bar Associations,
Community News

Nov. 22, 2023

San Diego County Bar Association elects 2024 officers

San Diego criminal defense attorney Stacey A. Kartchner was elected president of the San Diego County Bar Association for 2024.

"I am so honored to serve next year and work closely with a highly dedicated and diligent board of directors and internal team," said Kartchner of Klinedinst APC. "As we collaborate closely to further the SDCBA's mission, I am confident that our legal community will continue to grow and thrive. I look forward to all we will accomplish together."

Kartchner has represented clients in criminal cases in the state and federal courts for more than 20 years. She began her career at Grimes & Warwick and, in 2009, opened her own law firm, where she practiced until joining Klinedinst as senior counsel earlier this year.

Kartchner is a past president of the Criminal Defense Lawyer's Club and the Criminal Defense Bar Association.

Michelle A. Gastil was elected to succeed Kartchner as president in 2025 and will serve as president-elect in 2024. She previously served as the SDCBA's treasurer.

Gastil is senior staff counsel at the California Department of Toxic Substances Control. Before that, she was a solo practitioner handling consumer debt, business disputes, and environmental matters.

Spencer Scott will serve as the 2024 treasurer and Tatiana Kline will serve as the 2024 secretary.

Nicole D'Ambrogi, Sarah Garrick, Flavio Nominati, Stephanie Pengilley, and D. Elisabeth Silva were elected to serve three‐year terms on the association's board. Leslie Abrigo, Michael L. Crowley, Jason Evans, Nicole Heeder, Brandon Kimura, Cynthia L. Stratton, Fanny Yu, and Timothy G. Williams will continue their service on the board in 2024.

The 2024 chair of the association's New Lawyer Division, Elijah Gaglio, and the 2024 chair of the Diversity, Equity, and Inclusion division, Taneashia Morrell, will serve one‐year terms on the board.


Douglas Saunders Sr.

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