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May 1, 2024

Daniel A. Platt, Esq.

See more on Daniel A. Platt, Esq.


Daniel A. Platt, Esq., has been an arbitrator and mediator since 2022 and has acted as a neutral in matters involving health care payor/provider, commercial, real estate, consumer, employment and ADA disputes.

Prior to joining JAMS, Mr. Platt practiced for more than 35 years as a trial attorney, focusing on complex commercial litigation matters, including health care, real estate, leasing, tax credits, food manufacturing, aviation, trade secrets and other business and contract issues.

Mr. Platt has experience trying cases in both state and federal courts, having regularly defended and prosecuted matters in the real estate, health care, employment, securities, aviation, banking and financial services, food manufacturing and processing, and hospitality industries.

Mr. Platt has also represented clients in disputes involving partnerships, breach of contract, securities, commercial leasing, and trusts and estates.

Mr. Platt has represented both health care providers and health care payors and brings a strong understanding of both sides of the table to his ADR practice.

Mr. Platt has extensive experience advising health care providers, third-party administrators and insurance providers in connection with claims involving denial of medical benefits, underpayment, billing, unfair competition, breach of administrative services agreements, theft and misappropriation of trade secrets, improper termination of services contracts, coverage, and employee benefit plan members and insureds.

Mr. Platt has experience litigating Medicare reconciliation matters. and he has represented medical device companies in various licensing agreement disputes.

Mr. Platt applies a flexible approach to mediating disputes, ranging from facilitative to evaluative, depending on the facts, circumstances, parties and status of the case. His broad experience helps him to earn the trust and confidence of principals, carriers and counsel. (213) 253-9734


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