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May 1, 2024

Leslie Steven Marks, Esq.

See more on Leslie Steven Marks, Esq.

Alternative Resolution Centers

Les Marks is a full-time neutral with Alternative Resolution Centers (ARC) and the American Arbitration Association (AAA). After 40 years of diverse litigation practice that included managing the litigation department of his former mid-size and highly respected law firm, Mr. Marks "brings to the table" vast experience, unwavering integrity, and a relentless passion for resolving cases. Mr. Marks has served as participating counsel, arbitrator (single panelist and panel chair), mediator, and insurance umpire in hundreds of cases involving, among other areas, small to multi-million dollar private and public construction disputes, real estate and business disputes, insurance related litigation, employment disputes, and homeowner association (condominium) matters. His broad experience and people skills enable him to resolve even the most complex and contentious matters. 310-284-8224


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