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Nov. 11, 2024

Victor E. Bianchini

See more on Victor E. Bianchini

Signature Resolution

31 years of service

Colonel (0-6)

My military service instilled in me the discipline, leadership, and dedication that have been crucial in my career as a lawyer and judge. Serving in various capacities, including as a military judge, honed my ability to handle complex legal matters under pressure. The values of integrity and fairness, learned in the Marine Corps, have deeply influenced my judicial philosophy, ensuring that I approach every case with the same rigor and commitment to justice as I did during my service.

To me, being a veteran is an enduring commitment to service, honor, and sacrifice. My 31 years in the Marine Corps shaped who I am, and as a veteran, I continue to carry the values of integrity, leadership, and dedication that I learned during my military career. It means being part of a brotherhood that transcends time, and having the responsibility to support and advocate for fellow veterans, ensuring that their service and sacrifices are never forgotten.


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