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Nov. 11, 2024

Judge Raymonn DeJesus

See more on Judge Raymonn DeJesus

Judge, Placer County Superior Court

Served 1999-2003


My grandfather served as a Filipino soldier with the US Army in World War II and my parents immigrated from the Philippines in the 1970's. My service in the Marine Corps was my way to honor their sacrifices in order to provide a better life. The Marines helped me improve my work ethic and provided me with an ability to handle difficult situations under stress. Most importantly, my time in the Marine Corps galvanized my commitment to serve my community, whether that be on a local or national level.

To be a veteran is to be the ultimate public servant. It shows that a person is willing to put their entire life on the line to support their beliefs and support their community. It means honor and commitment to a cause greater than oneself.


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