1st Lieutenant
I was commissioned as a Marine officer after completing Officer Candidate School and then to the Basic School for six months of officer training. Those schools teach leadership. You are taught to be prepared because when in a jam your Marines will look to you. You are taught to listen to your Marines and put their health and well being above yours and treat them with respect. As a judge you need to be prepared and read all the motions; treat the attorneys with respect; move the case along efficiently; and be fair.
The proudest day of my life was being commissioned as a Marine Officer. It still is my proudest day. I don't tell many people that I was in the Marines but I stay in touch with my Marine friends from 50 years ago. I didn't have to go in the Marines. I went in because I wanted to. I achieved my goals and I am still proud 50 years later and I still have my Marine friends.
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