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LA Fires

Mar. 4, 2025

The Law of Rebuilding LA Episode 10: Understanding the underinsurance crisis

What homeowners need to understand about insurance limits before the next wildfire strikes.

In today's episode of The Law of Rebuilding LA, Peter Klee of Shepherd Mullen and Daily Journal Contributing Editor Howard Miller explore the critical issue of underinsurance following wildfires.

Miller and Klee discuss:

  • Why underinsurance claims represent the largest source of post-wildfire litigation
  • Common reasons homes become underinsured
  • The dramatic inflation of rebuilding costs following major disasters
  • How insurance companies balance premium costs against comprehensive coverage
  • Jury reactions to underinsurance claims in cases that have gone to trial
  • The economic incentives for insurers to provide adequate coverage

This episode concludes the week's examination of insurance issues from the insurer's perspective, complementing earlier conversations with Michael Bidart of Shernoff Bidart Echeverria LLP, who presented the policyholder's viewpoint.

Stay tuned for tomorrow's episode as the series continues with a new guest and topic.

Missed an episode of The Law of Rebuilding LA? Catch up here.


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