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Ethics/Professional Responsibility,

Mar. 21, 2025

Why serving on a legal aid board could be your most rewarding pro bono work

As demand for legal aid rises and funding dwindles, California's 400+ legal services organizations urgently need dedicated board members now more than ever.

Karin Wang

Program Director, OneJustice

Karin Wang is a program director at OneJustice, a nonprofit providing cutting-edge analysis, training and consulting to legal services and pro bono providers. She has more than 25 years of experience leading and managing nonprofit and public interest organizations.

 Why serving on a legal aid board could be your most rewarding pro bono work

Are you looking for a way to give back to your community, such as helping families who are struggling with wildfire recovery or keeping a roof over their heads? Do you want to leverage your legal skills and relationships in new ways? You probably already know you can volunteer with a legal services organization to provide advice at a legal clinic or to take an individual case, but have you ever considered serving on its board of directors?

California has one of the nation's largest legal services sectors, with more than 400 nonprofit organizations providing life-saving legal assistance to low-income individuals and families on "daily life" issues like housing, immigration, public benefits and employment. Across the state, millions of highly vulnerable residents are eligible for this assistance. Those most in need live at or below the poverty level.

In this tumultuous time, demand for legal aid is surging. Simultaneously, legal services nonprofits are facing their own significant challenges, including the loss of long-standing federal funding. What legal services organizations need right now is the leadership and championship of passionate board members who are committed to the organization's mission and clients. Amazing legal services board members come from all backgrounds and practices, and you could be one of these important leaders at this critical moment.

Here are six reasons to serve on a legal services nonprofit board:

1. Make a difference in your local community. Legal services organizations are nonprofit law offices that provide free civil legal assistance to people who cannot afford a lawyer. Some legal services organizations focus on just one area such as immigration or family law; others cover a range of issues affecting low-income children, families and individuals. Most legal services organizations focus on specific cities or counties, so they are a vital institution in the community in which you live or work.  

2. Help provide the most vulnerable Californians with legal assistance. According to a forthcoming 2024 report from the State Bar of California, middle- and lower-income Californians experience more civil legal issues than those at higher income levels (seven versus five  issues on average). With so many lower income Californians navigating the judicial system without legal support, it's not surprising so many Californians suffer poor outcomes - eviction, medical debt, deportation - often with severe financial, health and emotional consequences. Legal services nonprofits bridge the gap between those that face legal issues and those that are able to access legal advice or representation - a 2019 State Bar report found that legal services organizations were the most common source of legal help for low-income Californians (39% of those who sought and received legal assistance). Supporting your local legal services nonprofit gives your most vulnerable neighbors a legal lifeline.

3. Leverage your expertise in service of a mission-driven organization. As a lawyer, you bring important skills to any board but particularly a legal services board. Board members from diverse practice areas (e.g., real estate, employment, complex litigation) or with business management experience (e.g., client relationship development, financial audits) bring important insight and expertise to legal nonprofits, complementing the depth of program knowledge (e.g., tenants' rights or health care access) held by legal services staff and executives. Serving on a legal services board allows you to use your skills in a new setting, working alongside other board members and executive leadership. 

4. Grow as a leader while guiding an organization to greater impact. Legal services board members develop and hone leadership skills in areas such as strategic planning, financial oversight, and organizational governance. Board members also supervise the organization's top leader (usually the Executive Director or Chief Executive Officer) while providing the ED/CEO with support and guidance as the ED/CEO manages and leads the organization's day-to-day operations. Serving on a board is often a significant opportunity for professional growth, especially for those who step into leadership roles on the board.

5. Build your professional network and relationships with like-minded collaborators for justice. Serving on a legal services board provides opportunities to connect with other professionals passionate about a just legal system and helping vulnerable communities. Many will be attorneys, but you are likely to also work alongside non-lawyers from business, arts, academic, entertainment, technology, and other fields who share your desire to work towards a more just world. Board service will invariably expand your network and open doors for collaboration and learning in new ways. 

6. Expand your pro bono commitment through legal nonprofit board service. Starting in 2026, a new California law (Business and Professions Code 6073.2) will require all active California Bar members to report their pro bono hours from the prior year. In a March 2025 FAQ, the State Bar adopted an expansive definition of what counts as pro bono hours for purposes of the mandatory reporting, including legal aid board service "because all board work with such an organization is enabling the delivery of legal services to the indigent." Many legal services board members engage in traditional pro bono work, such as volunteering for a citizenship clinic, but serving in a legal services leadership role will now also count as pro bono service in California.  

California's vulnerable communities and legal services nonprofits need you. If you are ready to answer the call, reach out to your local legal services organization. You can also check OneJustice's Board Portal, which lists current California legal services board openings. And if you have never served on a nonprofit board, there are many tools and resources online - for example, OneJustice recently launched a Board Leadership Training Program aimed at preparing thoughtful and strategic legal services board members. This training is offered several times a year, with the next series starting in late April 2025. 


We hope to see you on a legal services board in the near future!


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