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Using Trademark Clearance Process Will Protect Client

Sep. 3, 2003
By Contributing Writer

Column - Intellectual Property - By Miriam Beezy and Herb Williams - Many in business believe that developing a catchy name or...

Lured by overseas opportunities, a subsidiary of Los Angeles investment firm Saban Capital Group has bought a controlling inte...

Column - Voir Dire - By Andrea Mosmann - California's one-day, one-trial jury service system has led to increased juror turnou...

Focus Column - Legal Malpractice - By Alec H. Boyd - A split of opinion has developed between two divisions of the 2nd Distric...

Stock Drop

Sep. 3, 2003
By Columnist

Forum Column - By Christopher P. O'Connell - Lost in the cacophony created by Enron, WorldCom and other crises is a state Supr...

Judge Rejects Medical Marijuana Injunction

Sep. 3, 2003
By Craiq Anderson

SAN JOSE - In a victory for the federal government in its continuing battle to enforce laws against medical marijuana, a fede...

Peer Pressure Influences Judges, Study Shows

Sep. 3, 2003
By Brent Kendall

WASHINGTON - Judges are susceptible to peer pressure just like the rest of us. So says a new study that examines the voting b...

Tenant Activists Challenge Evictions

Sep. 3, 2003
By Karen Coleman

Reporter's Notebook - By Karen Coleman - Renters usually end up in court only because their landlords have forced them there. ...

VALLEJO - A grizzly bear and big-horned sheep peer out from large faded photos hung for too many years on the chamber walls of...

Appeals Court Revives Sexual Harassment Suit

Sep. 3, 2003
By Pamela Mac Lean

SAN FRANCISCO - A federal appeals court has reinstated the claims of "extremely obscene" sexual harassment by two women workin...

Patel Rules Pot Is Off-Limits to the Feds

Sep. 3, 2003
By Pam Mac Lean

SAN FRANCISCO - For the first time, a federal judge has made it clear that local sheriffs can't run to federal court to circum...

Column by Garry Abrams - Last week, I had a crisis over whether the California recall election constitutes, or could somehow c...

SAN FRANCISCO - Citing three years of unprecedented budget cuts, the state Judicial Council approved a range of cost-saving me...

Deputy General Counsel Succeeds Sobel at Yahoo!

Sep. 3, 2003
By Joel Rosenblatt

Jon Sobel is leaving Yahoo! Inc., where he has worked as the Internet search company's top lawyer since March 2001, to return ...

Roseville Shows Sign of Maturity

Sep. 3, 2003
By Olivia Loy

BY OLIVIA LOY CREJ Staff Writer The flood of 1 million square feet of new office space being planned or built in the city of ...

Focus Column - Intellectual Property - By Harrison J. Dossick and Katherine L. McDaniel - In Hollywood, they often say that "c...

Judges Dread Amicus-Brief Overkill

Aug. 30, 2003
By Columnist

Forum Column - By Deborah J. La Fetra - Do judges need friends? The usefulness of friend-of-the-court briefs is a recurring qu...

Forum Column - By Betty Raskoff Kazmin - Thou shalt not micromanage! The word means "to manage with great or excessive control...

Employment Column - By Kevin Lilly - For many years, employers have sought to avoid the court system by requiring mandatory ar...

Officer Sues LAPD for Outing Him

Aug. 30, 2003
By Martin Bergn

LOS ANGELES - A veteran Los Angeles police officer alleges in a suit filed Thursday that his department's internal affairs uni...

SAN FRANCISCO - A federal appeals court Thursday reinstated the claims of "extremely obscene" sexual harassment by two women w...

Groups Have Standing in Forest Suits

Aug. 30, 2003
By Dennis Pfaff

SAN FRANCISCO - Environmental groups have the right to challenge national forestry regulations, the 9th U.S. Circuit Court of ...

Grand Jury Indicts San Diego Councilmen

Aug. 30, 2003
By Claude Walbert

SAN DIEGO - A federal grand jury has indicted three San Diego city councilmen for allegedly agreeing to accept payments from s...

Panel Will Hear Two Challenges to Recall

Aug. 30, 2003
By Brent Kendall

WASHINGTON - One of the last remaining challenges to the Oct. 7 recall election will be back in the spotlight today. A three-j...

Peer Pressure Influences Bench, Study Shows

Aug. 30, 2003
By Brent Kendall

WASHINGTON - Judges are susceptible to peer pressure just like the rest of us. So says a new study that examines the voting be...

Judge Rejects Pot Injunction

Aug. 30, 2003
By Craig Anderson

SAN JOSE - In a victory for the federal government in its continuing battle to enforce laws against medical marijuana, a feder...

Jury Clears Santa Barbara Judge of Domestic-Dispute Gun Charge

Aug. 30, 2003
By Jason Armstrong & Sean Windle

SANTA BARBARA - A jury Thursday found Superior Court Judge Diana R. Hall not guilty of threatening her former live-in girlfrie...

SACRAMENTO - The state Assembly approved late amendments Thursday to a bill to protect small businesses seeking reforms to the...

SAN FRANCISCO - The California Supreme Court ruled Thursday that coaches can be held liable for student athletes' injuries onl...

LOS ANGELES - A little more than a year ago, Judge Amy Hogue left a successful law practice at San Francisco's Pillsbury Winth...