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Duke's Defense

Jul. 22, 1998
By Jean Guccione

New Judge Is Assigned to Avant Case

Jul. 22, 1998
By Craig Anderson

DAgostino and Garcetti Square Off at Hearing

Jul. 22, 1998
By Michael Harris

Victoria M. Chavez

Jun. 11, 1998

Glad to leave private practice

Stephen D. Cunnison

Apr. 16, 1997

Judge Melinda M. Reed

Jan. 16, 1997

Michael S. McCartin

Nov. 1, 1996

His worst day on the bench is better than his best day as a family law attorney

Alan V. Pineschi

Oct. 15, 1996

Judge Perry M. Parker

Sep. 25, 1996

Thomas L. Bender

May 29, 1996

Drug Courts Grant for Administrative Needs

May 15, 1996

Patrick J. Zika

May 13, 1996

Robert W. Zakon

Jul. 28, 1995

He has mellowed in his 14 years on bench

Marvin R. Baxter

Mar. 24, 1995

Associate Justice