Judge to Define Liability for Bad Cop
By Matthew Heller
MURRIETA - By having sex with two teen-age girls he was supervising in a police Explorer program, Murrieta Officer Derick Boy...
Court Eases Immigrant Deportation
By David Pike
WASHINGTON - Rejecting a balancing test proposed by the 9th U.S. Circuit Court of Appeals, the Supreme Court on Monday unanim...
Counsel Calls Allegations Against Judge 'Vicious'
By Michael Harris
Citrus Municipal Court Judge Patrick B. Murphy's lawyer said Monday the jurist is confident once prosecutors interview him, t...
Health Care & Hospital Law
Panel Suggests Settlement of Quadriplegics Suit
By Lauren Blau
Changes in the medical records of a patient who apparently suffered permanent paralysis after treatment at a Los Angeles coun...
Large Firms
Manatt Expands Silicon Valley Presence With 15-Lawyer Deal
By Pearl Piatt
Quadrupling its Silicon Valley presence in one fell swoop - Los Angeles' Manatt, Phelps & Phillips has acquired Palo Alto...
Personal Injury & Torts
Gray Matter
By Stephanie Cahill
Eight years ago, the California legislature passed a law providing expansive remedies to elderly and disabled individuals who...
Man Indicted On Securities Fraud Charges
By Martin Bergn
A federal grand jury in Los Angeles Friday indicted a North Carolina man on securities fraud charges for posting a fabricated...
Personal Injury & Torts
Court: Salesmen Cannot Expect Privacy During Cafe Conversation
By Anna Marie Stolley
Siding with the news media in the ongoing battle over hidden cameras, a state appeal panel has refused to allow two salesmen ...
Antitrust & Trade Reg.
Both Sides Claim Victory in Antitrust Case
By Martin Bergn
In a ruling that left both sides claiming victory, a U.S. district judge has upheld a jury's verdict on liability in an antit...
Personal Injury & Torts
New System Promises to Track Losses
By Tom Dresslar
SACRAMENTO - Criticized by legislative investigators and Attorney General Bill Lockyer for shoddy tracking of the costs of la...
Large Firms
John Nyahan Inducted Into College of Trial Lawyers
By Denise Levin
Los Angeles attorney John Nyahan of Chadbourne & Parke has been accepted as a Fellow of the American College of Trial Law...
Public Interest
Lawyers, Judges Trade Briefs for Hammers, Nails
By Jodi Weisberg
PHOENIX - Home is where the heart is. To prove that adage, the legal community in Phoenix is putting its heart and soul, not ...
A Little Life Extinguished
By Cheryl Romo
Kameron Justin Demery, 21/2, was a sweet-faced little guy who loved rubber balls and liked to play in the mud. "He was mellow...
Domestic Partner Law Under Religious Attack
By John Roemer
Stanley D. Myers was a religious fundamentalist who in 1965 summoned his pastor to bless the new Tallmadge, Ohio, industrial ...
Judges and Judiciary
Embattled Judge Decries Charges Of Misconduct
By Jean Guccione
In a surprisingly blunt speech, Appellate Justice J. Anthony Kline of San Francisco has sharply criticized the commission tha...
Real Estate/Development
By Ron Mc Nees
Judges and Judiciary
Great Escape Defendants Say They Are Innocent of Charges
By Michael Harris
Attorneys for a retired judge and a bailiff Thursday previewed their defense to charges the pair tried to cover up a prisoner...
State Bar & Bar Associations
Lawyers to Offer Free Advice
By Pat Alston
In celebration of Law Day, the Barristers of the Los Angeles County Bar Association and other local bar groups will provide f...
Lawsuit Filed Against Rabbi Concludes
By Matthew Heller
RIVERSIDE - A Riverside County woman has settled her lawsuit against a rabbi whom she accused of luring her into a sexual rel...
EEOC Alleges State Agency Retaliated Against Scientist
By Dennis Pfaff
SAN FRANCISCO - The EEOC on Thursday brought a rare lawsuit against a branch of state government, accusing the California Env...
Judges and Judiciary
Norwalk Court Now Accepts Faxed Documents
By Denise Levin
The Norwalk branch of Los Angeles Superior Court is now accepting documents filed via fax, the court has announced. The servi...
Judge: Utility Can't Ignore Initiative
By Matthew Heller
RANCHO CUCAMONGA - Wading into a battle between a desert water district and its customers, a judge has ruled that officials ca...
Civil Rights
Disabled Candidate Sues LAPD
By Lauren Blau
A 22-year-old man born without a lower left leg but, who with the use of a prosthesis passed physical requirements to enroll ...
Judges and Judiciary
Judicial Council Endorses New Jury Service Law
By Philip Carrizosa
SAN FRANCISCO - Over the objections of 11 trial courts, including those of Los Angeles, the state Judicial Council voted Thur...
MTBE May Disappear From States Gas Tanks, But Oil Company Liability Is Not Going Away
By Dennis Pfaff
SAN FRANCISCO - California's failed experiment with MTBE appears unlikely to end with the chemical's gradual elimination from...
Former State Inspector Faces Extortion Trial
By Martin Bergn
A veteran inspector in a highly touted state agency devoted to cracking down on labor abuses in the garment industry was indi...
Entertainment & Sports
Katzenberg Pay-Out From Disney Already a Fortune
By Garry Abrams
Movie executive Jeffrey Katzenberg has already received two large payments from the Walt Disney Co. as part of the agreement ...
Public Interest
L.A. Lawyers Endorse Bar Reform And Legal Services Legislation
By Don De Benedictis
Los Angeles County Bar Association trustees simultaneously gave both grumbling and wholehearted support to pending legislatio...
Pillsbury Partner Signs Up To Help a Fallen Soldier
By Amy Bourne
SAN FRANCISCO - Fighting in Vietnam changed attorney Charles E. Patterson's life for the better, he says, by destroying any i...
Democrats Block Vote on Bill to Curb Y2K Suits
By Daniel Shaw
WASHINGTON - After several days of vigorous debate, Senate Democrats used parliamentary devices Thursday to block a vote on a...