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Ethics/Professional Responsibility

A legal malpractice lawsuit between attorneys who are active in the Orthodox Jewish community has pitted religious law agains...

Law Practice

If Roman M. Silberfeld were to list his victories during 25 years of practicing law, his resume of mass tort and personal inj...

Intellectual Property

Battle Over Growth Hormone Begins

Apr. 15, 1999
By Pamela Mac Lean

SAN FRANCISCO - With hundreds of millions of dollars on the line, the long-delayed Genentech patent infringement trial opened...

Ethics/Professional Responsibility

Milberg Weiss Pays $50M to Settle Lawsuit

Apr. 15, 1999
By Tom Orewyler

A day after being tagged with a $45 million verdict for allegedly trying to destroy the reputation of a high-profile law and ...

Alternative Dispute Resolution

Lawsuit Questions Neutrality of Arbitrator

Apr. 14, 1999
By Denise Levin

A law firm has been sued for allegedly failing to tell its client, a jewelry company, that the neutral arbitrator presiding o...

Judges and Judiciary

Authorities Request Help in Jurists Shooting

Apr. 14, 1999
By Jason Armstrong & Sean Windle

SAN BERNARDINO - San Bernardino County Sheriff's officials said Monday they are seeking further information about a vehicle a...

Zoning, Planning and Use

Judge Grants Retrial in Rent Control Case

Apr. 14, 1999
By Patricia Jocobus

SAN FRANCISCO - Landlord attorneys who thought they'd scored a landmark victory when a jury ruled against the tenants in an E...


Fish Wins One in Battle for Survival

Apr. 14, 1999
By Martin Bergn

A little fish that could be the subject of a big legal dispute has won a round with a federal judge's ruling that authorities...

Personal Injury & Torts

Burned Tenant Wins $6.7 Million Jury Verdict

Apr. 14, 1999
By Denise Levin

A man who suffers from bipolar disorder was awarded $6.7 million Monday by a jury who found his landlords responsible for the...

Ethics/Professional Responsibility

Attorney Steven L. Mazza, who recently avoided a trial on criminal charges, has been sued in an unrelated matter for allegedl...


DNA Evidence Leads to Plea 22 Years Later

Apr. 14, 1999
By Michael Harris

Twenty years ago, Los Angeles County prosecutors saw a murder case against a young man named Harry Rowley dismissed for lack ...


Foul Ball

Apr. 14, 1999
By Philip Carrizosa

SAN FRANCISCO - In a ruling that casts doubt over the validity of dozens of prenuptial agreements, a state appeal court Monda...

Appellate Practice

Davis' Duty to Defend Initiative Under Scrutiny

Apr. 14, 1999
By Peter Blumberg

SACRAMENTO - As Gov. Gray Davis huddled with advisers last week on whether to defend Proposition 187 in court, one question l...


Equal Benefits, Pay Sought by County Lawyers

Apr. 14, 1999
By Lauren Blau

Attorneys and support staff who claim they are being paid less and receiving fewer benefits because the Los Angeles County co...

Intellectual Property

Patent Medicine

Apr. 13, 1999
By Chris Ford

By Chris Ford While the number of patents issued annually in the United States has doubled since 1988, a recent spate of cour...

Large Firms

Best of Both Worlds

Apr. 13, 1999
By Pearl Piatt

In 1977, Mattel had a very big problem. It was embroiled in a patent dispute over the technology for one of its top-selling pr...

Law Practice

A Matter of Time

Apr. 13, 1999
By Leslie Gordon

The recent dissolutions of Jackson Tufts Cole & Black and Bronson Bronson & McKinnon - two San Francisco firms known ...


A Lending Trend

Apr. 13, 1999
By Leslie Gordon

By Leslie A. Gordon On a Wednesday night in March, at San Francisco's trendy Museum of Modern Art, Tower Snow, chairman of Br...


Jockey Did Not Rob Cabby, Prosecutors Concede

Apr. 13, 1999
By Michael Harris

Acknowledging they charged the wrong person, Los Angeles County prosecutors have dismissed an armed robbery case against form...


Hyperion Contractor Sues City of L.A.

Apr. 13, 1999
By Lauren Blau

A company hired nearly six years ago to do construction at the Hyperion Wastewater Treatment Plant has filed a lawsuit agains...

Product Liability

SACRAMENTO - Six years ago, the California Supreme Court handed the plaintiffs' bar a major defeat by limiting liability expo...


Statewide Plan For Collections Re-Energized

Apr. 13, 1999
By Peter Blumberg

SACRAMENTO - On-again, off-again plans to link child support enforcement programs in all 58 counties through a single statewi...


A judge's ruling that Los Angeles prosecutors should have been more diligent in gathering, and disclosing, information about ...

Public Interest

Reflecting on a Simpler Time

Apr. 13, 1999
By John Roemer

SAN FRANCISCO - Dec. 24, 1969, was a slow news day, so a federal court hearing in San Francisco drew intense press attention ...


Genentech to Pay for Leading a Growth Industry

Apr. 13, 1999
By Pamela Mac Lean

SAN FRANCISCO - In what would be the largest federal criminal penalty paid for health-care fraud in Northern California, biot...


A 55-year-old man from Egypt who worked for the MTA for 23 years has been awarded more than $5.6 million in damages in his la...

Civil Rights

Full Disclosure of Grand Jury Transcripts Fought

Apr. 10, 1999
By Craiq Anderson

SAN JOSE - Arguing that Santa Clara County prosecutors may be hiding due process violations behind a veil of secrecy, defense...


Kidnap Statute Applies by the Yard

Apr. 10, 1999
By Anna Marie Stolley

SAN FRANCISCO - The California Supreme Court held Thursday that a kidnapping can be charged even if the victim is moved only ...


A former associate at Stroock & Stroock & Lavan has sued the firm for wrongful termination, claiming she was fired fo...


Brown Castigated by Parents of Disabled Kids

Apr. 10, 1999
By Patricia Jocobus

OAKLAND - Feeling snubbed by Oakland Mayor Jerry Brown, a group of parents and their lawyers who are suing the city's school ...