Judges and Judiciary
Drug Court Looks To Block Grant Funding
Apr. 21, 1995
Judges and Judiciary
Federal County Budget Cuts Affect Services of Drug Court
Feb. 22, 1995
Judges and Judiciary
PD Judge says Juvenile Drug Court is on horizon for L.A.
Oct. 25, 1994
Judges and Judiciary
Drug Court Report
Oct. 18, 1994
Judges and Judiciary
Juvenile Court: Is the Concept Too Outdated?
Aug. 24, 1994
Judges and Judiciary
Drug Court Slated To Open March 21
Mar. 11, 1994
Judicial Profile
Raymond Cardenas
Nov. 9, 1984
By John Michael
By John Michael
Judge Raymond Cardenas says he was raised to follow the rules, so that's what he does.
Why does the law seem to act so often against poor people? Justice Cruz Reynoso became visibly agitated as he pondered his own...