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Judges and Judiciary

I was walking down the street talking to Justice Tom Crosby a few days ago. He was his usual self, railing about a case with w...


Wal-Mart Initiative Subverts Democracy

Feb. 24, 2004
By Erwin Chemerinsky

Forum Column - By Erwin Chemerinsky - California's initiative process has been the subject of scrutiny in recent years because...

U.S. Supreme Court

The somewhat turbulent relationship between class actions and arbitration agreements just got more complicated, thanks in larg...


Condemned Man Deserves New Trial With All Evidence

Feb. 12, 2004
By Stephen F. Rohde

Forum Column - By Stephen F. Rohde - If the state of California had had its way yesterday, Kevin Cooper would have been execut...

Civil Rights

Windfall for Richer, But Not for Poorer

Feb. 11, 2004
By Konrad Moore

Few comparisons highlight our government's bias in favor of the wealthy more than that between the phasing out of the estate t...


Focus Column - Family Law - By Mitchell A. Jacobs and David L. Marcus - On Dec. 23, the Court of Appeal opened a door to the e...


Forum Column - By Erwin Chemerinsky - An obscure provision of the Los Angeles City Charter is causing enormous controversy and...

Constitutional Law

Who Are You?

Jan. 17, 2004
By Erwin Chemerinsky

Forum Column - By Erwin Chemerinsky - How many individuals did the federal government arrest and detain after Sept. 11? How ma...

Constitutional Law

Fighting Words

Jan. 15, 2004
By Robert L. Bastian Jr.

One challenge that the United States faces in seeding liberal democracy in Iraq is defining what speech and thought will be fr...

Judges and Judiciary

Adoption Day Creates Families

Jan. 6, 2004
By David A. Lash

Forum Column - By David A. Lash - Adoption Day is to courts what maternity wards are to hospitals. No jail, no juries, no deat...

Constitutional Law

Gender Neutral

Dec. 20, 2003
By Erwin Chemerinsky

Forum Column - By Erwin Chemerinsky - The historic decision of the Massachusetts Supreme Judicial Court in Goodridge v. Dep...

Judges and Judiciary

Memory Melange

Dec. 12, 2003
By Arthur Gilbert

I missed the opening of the Los Angeles County Law Library on Dec. 14, 1953. They wouldn't let me out of Le Conte Junior High ...


Focus Column - Family Law - By Mitchell A. Jacobs and Robert Burch - In re Marriage of Bereznak, 110 Cal.App.4th 1062 (...

Constitutional Law

Under Control

Nov. 27, 2003
By Erwin Chemerinsky

Forum Column - By Erwin Chemerinsky - Since January 2001, the U.S. government has held 600 individuals as prisoners at a milit...

In several respects, the leading case of Hamilton v. Maryland Casualty Co., 27 Cal.4th 718 (2002), demonstrates the val...

Family, Alternative Dispute Resolution

Focus Column - Family Law - By Franklin R. Garfield - Buzzwords are a pervasive feature of most verbal landscapes. Every disci...

Intellectual Property, Constitutional Law

The U.S. Constitution sets forth a federal system of sovereign states. It is common for states, through their universities and...


Closed Doors

Oct. 18, 2003
By Erwin Chemerinsky

Forum Column - By Erwin Chemerinsky - Slowly, insidiously, the courthouse doors are being closed to litigants. One way this is...

Judges and Judiciary

Criticizing Critics

Oct. 8, 2003
By Arthur Gilbert

A neighbor told me about a TV reality show he saw last week: "They showed you a real court with as many members as a football ...

U.S. Supreme Court, Civil Rights

See No Evil?

Sep. 26, 2003
By Erwin Chemerinsky

Proposition 54, the so-called Racial Privacy Initiative, is based on the misguided notion that ignorance is better than knowle...


Forum Column - By Erwin Chemerinsky - In ordering a delay of the recall election in Southwest Voter Registration Education ...


Recall Chaos Is Perverting Democracy

Sep. 10, 2003
By David A. Lash

Forum Column - By David A. Lash - In the 2000 presidential election, Vice President Al Gore got half a million more votes than...

MacKinnon v. Truck Insurance Exchange , 2003 DJDAR 9112 (Cal. Aug. 14, 2003), addressed the scope of the standard pollution ex...

Appellate Practice

'Palmer' Clarifies Valid Written Notice of an Entry of Judgment

Sep. 4, 2003
By James C. Martin , Benjamin G. Shatz

Focus Column - Appellate Law - By James C. Martin and Benjamin G. Shatz - Properly calendaring judgment-notwithstanding-the-ve...

Constitutional Law

In the Balance

Aug. 15, 2003
By Erwin Chemerinsky

Forum Column - By Erwin Chemerinsky - Every law student learns that the outcome of constitutional cases concerning individual ...


'Mean Justice' Agenda Leads To Ethical, Fiscal Dead End

Aug. 12, 2003
By Robert L. Bastian Jr.

"Mean Justice" is the title of a book by Edward Humes about prosecutorial misconduct in Bakersfield. But it also is an apt des...

Alternative Dispute Resolution

Courts Struggle With Class Arbitration Questions

Aug. 1, 2003
By Lawrence Waddington

Paralleling congressional attempts to limit class actions legislatively, federal and state courts continue to struggle judicia...

Constitutional Law

Question of Time

Jul. 26, 2003
By Erwin Chemerinsky

Forum Column - By Erwin Chemerinsky - Judicial review is most important when legislatures enact laws that are overwhelmingly p...

Health Care & Hospital Law

Forum Column By David A. Lash The health care crisis is being played out in our courtrooms and streets, with two recent event...

Judges and Judiciary

Lead Balloon

Jul. 8, 2003
By Arthur Gilbert

It has been said that the only things certain are death and taxes. As is evident from my last several columns, I must add "err...