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participatory / Insurance

Apr. 10, 2020

Insurance for coronavirus: coverage or distancing?

Howard B. Miller

Howard is a contributing editor and podcast host at the Daily Journal. He is a JAMS mediator and arbitrator, a past president of the State Bar of California, and a former professor of law at the USC Gould School of Law.

Rex Heeseman


555 W 5th St Fl 32
Los Angeles , CA 90013-1055

Phone: (213) 253-9772

Fax: (213) 620-0100


Stanford Univ Law School

Rex Heeseman retired from the Los Angeles Count Superior Court bench in 2014. He is at JAMS, Los Angeles. Besides speaking at various MCLE programs, he co-authors The Rutter Group's practice guide on "Insurance Litigation." From 2002 to 2015, he was an adjunct professor at Loyola Law School.

Howard Miller, a thought leader in the California legal community for many decades, is the Daily Journal's new podcast host.


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