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Torts/Personal Injury, Military Law

Are the kids okay?

Oct. 5, 2022

What we don’t know yet is what other birth defects or conditions will develop in the children of parents who were exposed to t...

Torts/Personal Injury, Insurance

If the injuries to or death of a person are due to the actions of an animal that had theretofore been of peaceable disposition...

Law Practice, Appellate Practice

What’s it to you?

Oct. 3, 2022

So lately grammar, its metamorphosis, something like K’s Metamorphoses, has become de rigueur.

Land Use, Government, Environmental & Energy

Data shows number of environmental review lawsuits remain low while California communities reap benefits from strong protections

Law Practice, Administrative/Regulatory

Assembly Bill 156, signed by Governor Newsom on Sept. 27, will help attorneys and consumers recognize whether they have a lice...

Judges and Judiciary, Bankruptcy

While it may not be obvious at first glance, the Texas Two-Step cuteness and other similar bankruptcy ploys that scream bad fa...

Antitrust & Trade Reg.

At its simplest formulation, the duty of loyalty is focused predominantly on conflicts of interest.

For example, coverage for such claims under a CGL policy is unlikely because an insured’s false representation or false advert...

In The Color of Wealth in Los Angeles report, it was estimated that Black Americans in Los Angeles have a median wealth of $4,...

Constitutional Law

The Supreme Court will again review prosecutors’ attempts to utilize the federal wire and honest services fraud statutes to ex...

Environmental & Energy, California Supreme Court

Swimming with the bees

Sep. 26, 2022

The Chief Justice is telling us, I think, that the issue in the case is not simply whether, in ordinary parlance, bumble bees ...

Even with planning, the estates of artists and other creators can present complex valuation problems because of the unique nat...

International Law

It is always recommended that immigration attorneys take preemptive measures to make sure their foreign clients are prepared f...

Civil Litigation, Administrative/Regulatory

Although it may take some time to fully implement and require adjustment by the various stakeholders, this system is sure to b...

Lawyers may be concerned about the impact this change will have on already heavily congested judicial calendars. The court, ho...

Civil Litigation, Administrative/Regulatory

The plan will allow for a return of Civil courtrooms to our different local communities around our vast county – as was the sy...

Alternative Dispute Resolution

Though the concept of trust is amorphous, successful mediators recognize that trust is vital to the process.

A protective order should only be renewed “if, and only if, it finds by a preponderance of the evidence that the protected par...

Courts have never held that the Fourteenth Amendment bars any consideration of race in map drawing. The only constitutional li...

Since the law imposes content- and viewpoint-neutral disclosures and does not require or prohibit platforms from engaging in t...

Entertainment & Sports, Civil Rights

In the 70s, seeds previously sown took sprout and grew ultimately into a uniquely successful civil rights movement, with such ...

Legal Education, Law Practice, Appellate Practice

Beyond the paper chase

Sep. 16, 2022

Contemporary law students seek a legal education that fulfills an expanding range of client needs, promotes access to justice ...

Government, Banking

Just as the SEC has been wrangling securities rough riders, the CFTC has been actively rounding up commodities violators.

Law Practice, Appellate Practice

Assuming you determine you cannot exclude an expert’s testimony, your next effort can be to attempt to weaken the foundation o...

Real Estate/Development, Government

The 24th & Hoffman court was unpersuaded by either Saarman or Conway, declining to follow those non-binding cases.

Native Americans, Family

Placement with extended family and other caregivers identified by the Indian child’s Tribe maintains a network of familiar rel...

Only a few cases are brought to trial, and the average settlement for injuries due to a slip and fall on land owned or possess...

While there are plenty of defense organizations that do a great job disseminating information and bringing defense lawyers tog...

Law Practice, California Supreme Court, Appellate Practice

In Siry Investment, I.P. v. Farkhondehpour, S262081, the California Supreme Court determined that a plaintiff may seek treble ...

Law Practice, Appellate Practice

Often it is helpful to stress the fact that what actually happened in your case – or in any case – doesn’t make any difference...