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Letters, Judges and Judiciary

Judges are required to be fair, neutral and impartial and to be perceived as such at all times.

Law Practice, Judges and Judiciary

Suffice it to say, when addressing Siri, I did not use the four-letter word, the first letter of which appears toward the last...

A Riverside case involves the right of people with developmental disabilities to marry as well as the right not to be pressure...

U.S. Supreme Court, Constitutional Law, Civil Rights, 9th U.S. Circuit Court of Appeals

The Constitution protects an adult’s personal decision to engage in intimate, sexual activity with another adult, whether the ...

U.S. Supreme Court, Constitutional Law, Administrative/Regulatory, Securities

The U.S. Supreme Court will decide whether the Securities and Exchange Commission's use of administrative law judges violates ...

California Supreme Court, Administrative/Regulatory, Year in Review Column, U.S. Supreme Court, Environmental & Energy

With the appointments of Scott Pruitt (administrator of the Environmental Protection Agency), Ryan Zinke (secretary of the Int...

Administrative/Regulatory, Labor/Employment, Government, Corporate

The New Parent Leave Act expands access to 12 weeks of job-protected baby bonding leave to qualifying workers who work for emp...

Year in Review Column, Judges and Judiciary, Civil Litigation

The Legislature enacted of Code of Civil Procedure Section 430.41 in 2016, and earlier this month a new set of changes took ef...

Civil Litigation, Judges and Judiciary, Civil Rights

Current court rules are vague and flimsy. It is time for the Judicial Council to flex its rulemaking muscles and protect vulne...

U.S. Supreme Court, Constitutional Law, Civil Rights

When a new pope is selected by the assemblage of cardinals at the Vatican, the papal conclave releases white smoke into the sk...


Ninth Circuit and the Department of Labor clarify when an intern is entitled to minimum wages and other employment benefits. ...

Law Practice, Books

Jack Walker's powerful, insightful and moving "Eye Corps: Coming of Age at the DMZ," details his experiences as a recon patr...

Constitutional Law, Civil Rights, U.S. Supreme Court

High school journalism has been losing ground since the 1970s due to education budget cuts -- and rulings of the U.S. Supreme ...


The Federal Communications Commission defied the facts, flouted the law, and ignored the will of millions of Americans when it...

California Supreme Court, Constitutional Law, Criminal, U.S. Supreme Court

People v. Buza provides an opportunity to ensure that fewer people in the state are convicted of crimes they did not commit an...

Corporate, Tax, Government, Administrative/Regulatory

Here, we have tried to provide an early and high-level overview of federal income tax issues with which California attorneys s...

Civil Rights, U.S. Supreme Court, Criminal

Two weeks ago, body camera footage of the police killing of Daniel Shaver flooded news outlets across the country, along with ...

California Courts of Appeal, Contracts, Appellate Practice

A cautionary tale on the perils of "plugging in" those standard settlement terms when more careful drafting is warranted.

California Supreme Court, Government, Constitutional Law, Administrative/Regulatory

Imagine that you're one of the more than 350,000 women in California who becomes unexpectedly pregnant every year. Maybe you f...

Constitutional Law, U.S. Supreme Court, Judges and Judiciary, Civil Rights

Can court outreach inspire the public to dialogue with opposing factions on contentious social issues? It did just that with a...

Appellate Practice, U.S. Supreme Court, Judges and Judiciary

Although the courts' hesitancy to give guidance for future cases seems maddening at first blush, there is some method to that ...

Government, Administrative/Regulatory

As Los Angeles County's first cannabis management officer, it is my job to implement the cannabis regulatory policies of the L...

Real Estate

California is a leader in promoting alternative energy sources, including the use of solar power in connection with residences...

Labor/Employment, Constitutional Law, California Supreme Court

The California Supreme Court unanimously upheld the constitutionality of California's "mandatory mediation and conciliation" p...

U.S. Supreme Court, Constitutional Law, Civil Rights

Cake goes to court

Dec. 6, 2017

As fires consumed the outskirts of the Los Angeles basin fueled by strong Santa Anas, religious fervor heated up Tuesday morni...

Transportation, Corporate

Last month, Bob Lutz, former vice chairman of General Motors, issued a harsh criticism of Tesla, stating that its fixed costs ...

U.S. Supreme Court, Judges and Judiciary, Constitutional Law, Civil Rights

In 1962, Dorothy and Lincoln Mulkey were living and working in Santa Ana in pursuit of the American Dream.

Judges and Judiciary

His extraordinary legal career and life in the service of others reflected the great courage with which he served as a United ...

Appellate Practice, Judges and Judiciary

Perfectly acceptable words can become detestable through overuse and misuse. "Incredibly" and "iconic" vie for first place on ...

U.S. Supreme Court, Civil Litigation, Intellectual Property, Year in Review Column

Earlier this year, the U.S. Supreme Court made clear that venue in patent cases based on where a corporation "resides" is limi...