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Judge Refuses to Expand Online Broker Suit

May 12, 1999
By Craiq Anderson

SAN JOSE - In a potentially important legal victory for online brokerages, a Santa Clara County judge has denied a request by...


Man Gets 90 Days for Assisting Suicide

May 12, 1999
By Matthew Heller

VICTORVILLE - A man who claimed to have unwittingly assisted a suicide by handing a neighbor a loaded rifle was sentenced Mon...


Family Prosecutors Honor Embattled Leader

May 12, 1999
By Michael Harris

Wayne Doss, the head of Los Angeles County's child support agency, was selected that department's 1998 prosecutor of the year...

Technology & Science

Deadheads Can Download Without Hassle

May 12, 1999
By Dennis Pfaff

SAN FRANCISCO - For decades, the seminal Bay Area rock band, the Grateful Dead, had perhaps the music industry's most lenient...


Judge: Lawyers Comments Are Protected Speech

May 12, 1999
By Denise Levin

An attorney's statement on a news program that a financial services company cheated the elderly out of money was protected sp...

Large Firms

Unlicensed Associate to Face Charges

May 12, 1999
By Leslie Gordon

SAN FRANCISCO - The Santa Clara district attorney has filed felony charges against Steven Y. Lee, a former associate at Wilso...


An Apologetic DA Appears Before Judge

May 12, 1999
By Dennis Pfaff

SAN FRANCISCO - A San Francisco organization that helps women find their way out of prostitution received a $1,000 "Mother's ...


REDLANDS - The subpoena itself was unusual enough, a request by defendants in a major real estate fraud case for correspondenc...

Delivering a slashing attack on Walt Disney Co. chairman Michael Eisner, attorney Bert Fields on Monday accused the head of t...


Orange County Counselors Said To Have Conflict

May 12, 1999
By Jason Armstrong & Sean Windle

LAGUNA NIGUEL - When Costa Mesa resident Bethany Peca entered a drug counseling class at the Center for Creative Alternatives...


Insurer Cant Be Forced to Pay Punitive Award

May 12, 1999
By Anna Marie Stolley

A closely divided state Supreme Court held Monday that an insurance company, sued for bad-faith failure to settle a policyhol...

Native Americans

Negotiations between Gov. Gray Davis and California Indian tribes over the regulation of Indian casinos are heating up, if th...

Law Practice

Stock Check

May 11, 1999
By Leslie Gordon

With the advent of companies like E*trade and Charles Schwab online, even an unsophisticated investor can buy and sell shares...


Judge Sends Dispute to Jewish Court

May 11, 1999
By Denise Levin

In a ruling that may quell a controversy that pitted state court against religious law, a Beverly Hills Municipal Court judge...


CEOs Bid to Crush Securities Lawyers Fails

May 11, 1999
By Craiq Anderson

SAN JOSE - Two class action attorneys who specialize in shareholder lawsuits scored a major victory last week in their bitter...


SAN DIEGO - Jury selection is scheduled to begin here today in a trial that has aroused widespread interest in Great Britain ...


The estate of a man who was fatally shot by sheriff's deputies has filed a $2 million claim against Los Angeles County. The c...

Law Practice

Fullness of Time

May 11, 1999
By Anne La Jeunesse

Joe Ball listened with growing impatience as an appellate attorney struggled to convince the state's highest court that a con...

Judges and Judiciary

SANTA ROSA - Like many of his colleagues representing indigent clients, Louis Haffner staunchly defends the rights of the acc...

Entertainment & Sports

A notorious, long-running Hollywood legal feud between two tough guy actors who probably would have felt more at ease on moto...


Riverside Wont Prosecute Cops

May 8, 1999
By Jason Armstrong & Sean Windle

RIVERSIDE - Riverside County District Attorney Grover Trask announced Thursday that no criminal charges will be filed against...


Riverside Grabs Grant San Bernardino Passes On

May 8, 1999
By Jason Armstrong & Sean Windle

SAN BERNARDINO - San Bernardino's Board of Supervisors have decided not to approve a $5 million state Board of Corrections gra...


Judge Pleads Not Guilty to Misdemeanors

May 8, 1999
By Laura Impellizzeri

San Francisco Superior Court Judge James J. McBride was arraigned Thursday morning by a visiting judge in Domestic Violence C...

Technology & Science

Proposed Rules Target Cybersquatters

May 8, 1999
By Craiq Anderson

SAN JOSE - The authors of a report outlining new rules to protect famous trademarks in the online world ducked a lot of contr...

Personal Injury & Torts

Mysterious Fumes Lawsuit Settled by County

May 8, 1999
By Matthew Heller

RIVERSIDE - After nearly five years of litigation, relatives of the woman at the center of the so-called Riverside mystery fu...

Solo and Small Firms

Patent Practice Named Fastest-Growing Firm

May 8, 1999
By Susan Kostal

SAN FRANCISCO - Since 1996, the Dow Jones industrial average has climbed by an impressive 55 percent to reach its recent 10,0...

Military Law

Sailors Sentenced in Beating Death in Ecuador

May 8, 1999
By Leonard Navarro

SAN DIEGO - The case against two servicemen accused of beating to death an Ecuadorian hotel clerk came to a close Thursday wh...

Law Practice

DA Responds to Commissions Criticism

May 8, 1999
By Michael Harris

The Los Angeles County district attorney's office Thursday all but dismissed a recommendation by the U.S. Commission on Civil...

The California Supreme Court strongly hinted Thursday that it will grant the news media and the public a right to gain access...

Personal Injury & Torts

A judge has ruled that a Los Angeles police officer critically wounded in the North Hollywood shootout cannot sue the makers ...