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All too often, insurers respond to a request for help from their insureds with a knee-jerk denial of coverage. Reasons provide...


Forum Column - By David A. Lash - The now-infamous exit polls from the most recent presidential election tell us that voters v...

Judges and Judiciary

Forum Column - By Erwin Chemerinsky - When constitutional historians look back at the Rehnquist court, they will say that it d...

Family, Alternative Dispute Resolution

Forum Column - By Franklin R. Garfield - It is widely believed that justice or even fairness is not available in the Los Angel...

In Permanent General Assurance Corp. v. Superior Court , 2004 DJDAR 12515 (Cal. App. 4th Dist. Oct. 12, 2004), the insurer app...

Everyone is anxious about today's election because of what happened in 2000. Many believe that the Democrats were out-lawyered...


Forum Column - By William S. Dodge - The State Bar Exam aims to ensure that new lawyers have a basic knowledge of a range of l...

Judges and Judiciary

What was a great present for a bright kid in 1953? A Gilbert chemistry set. My name happened to be Gilbert. It still is. When ...

Constitutional Law

Congress Has No Authority to Preclude Judicial Review

Oct. 13, 2004
By Erwin Chemerinsky

Forum Column - By Erwin Chemerinsky - Can Congress enact an unconstitutional law and preclude federal courts, including the Su...

The other day, Boz, my cat, "took a giant dump" on the living room rug. (The colloquial expression in quotes puzzles me. He di...

Education Law

Forum Column - By Robert DeKoven - The tragedy in Russia a few weeks ago, where terrorists seized a school, has now become a p...


The beat goes on with punitive damages in the wake of State Farm Mutual Automobile Insurance Co. v. Campbell, 538 U.S. ...

Law Practice

Forum Column - By David A. Lash - In a Los Angeles inner-city high school, this year's observance of the anniversary of the Se...


The state Supreme Court in Jonathan Neil & Associates v. Jones, 33 Cal.4th 917 (2004), reaffirmed one of its prior ...


Forum Column - By David A. Lash - This is an especially tough time to be poor in the United States. Conditions are worsening, ...

Appellate Practice

Criminal Justice System Regresses Under 'Gementera'

Sep. 15, 2004
By Erwin Chemerinsky

Forum Column - By Erwin Chemerinsky - A recent 9th U.S. Circuit Court of Appeals ruling upholding punishments imposed solely f...

Judges and Judiciary

What you hear the trial judge say at the conclusion of the witness's testimony: "Thank you. You may step down ..." ...


Death Sentences Always Must Include Reasonable Doubt

Aug. 24, 2004
By Robert L. Bastian Jr.

ABC News bills the first two parts of its seven-part documentary "In the Jury Room" as an unprecedented and historic look at ...

Criminal, Civil Rights

Sensational reports of minority beatings by police aside, African-Americans in Los Angeles have more reason to fear the county...

Civil Rights

Forum Column - By Erwin Chemerinsky - In the flurry of decisions at the end of the Supreme Court's term in late June, not near...

Judges and Judiciary

Former Gov. George Deukmejian's independent review panel proposes 239 specific reforms to improve California's $6 billion cor...

Judges and Judiciary

In the Victorian age, when I was a child, a popular grownup adage was "children should be seen and not heard." ...


My April 22 article in this publication commented on recent rulings in the state regarding the ratio between compensatory and ...


Forum Column - By David A. Lash - Homelessness is killing us. It is destroying our cities, our schools and our children. It co...

Alternative Dispute Resolution

Commercial arbitration practice, legislatively conceived as an alternative to litigation, initially used the knowledge and ski...

Civil Rights

Courts Treat State's Less Fortunate With Blind Indifference

Jul. 13, 2004
By Robert L. Bastian Jr.

In the 42 years since the Supreme Court ruled in Robinson v. California 370 U.S. 660 (1962), that states could not, con...

Civil Rights

Rulings Encourage Police to Ignore 'Miranda'

Jul. 10, 2004
By Erwin Chemerinsky

Forum Column - By Erwin Chemerinsky - In the flurry of end of the term cases at the U.S. Supreme Court, not much attention has...

Appellate Practice

Exhaust All Measures Before Filing Petition for Writ Relief

Jul. 8, 2004
By Paul D. Fogel , Benjamin G. Shatz

Focus Column - Appellate Law - By Paul D. Fogel and Benjamin G. Shatz - Given their limited resources, today's appellate court...


The hand over of power in Iraq comes at a time of unusual opportunity. Incredibly, despite the bloodshed and chaos of recent w...


Forum Column - By Robin Meadow and Stephen F. Rohde - With the Fourth of July approaching, we should pause and reflect on the ...