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self-study / Administrative/Regulatory

May 25, 2021

Pre-Trial Services and Post-Pandemic Life: What Comes Next?

This webinar was a conversation among experts about some of the biggest changes to pre-trial services as a result of the pandemic and a discussion of what comes next.

Panelists Include:
- Spurgeon Kennedy, president-elect of the National Association of Pretrial Services Agencies and former Director of the Office of Strategic Development for the Pretrial Services Agency for the District of Columbia. Previously, Mr. Kennedy served as Programs Manager with the U.S. Department of Justice's National Institute of Justice, overseeing the Institute's pretrial portfolio and helping to create and implement field tests, demonstration programs, and other research.
- Brandon Buskey, an attorney with the ACLU's Criminal Law Reform Group, who focuses his work on reforming pretrial justice, expanding the right to counsel, juvenile sentencing, and residency restrictions for former sexual offenders.
- Santa Barbara County Chief Probation Officer Tanja Heitman. During her 30-year tenure with the Department, Chief Heitman has served within the Juvenile, Institutions, Adult and Administrative Divisions in a variety of capacities. She has served on numerous state committees related to program oversight, funding and data within the probation field an was instrumental in the planning and implementation of Realignment and Juvenile Justice reforms in Santa Barbara County, working collaboratively with representatives from the Sheriff's Office, the Court, the Offices of the District Attorney and Public Defender, and local community-based groups.

Moderated by Judge George C. Eskin (Ret), a former prosecutor who served as Chief Assistant City Attorney in Los Angeles, Assistant District Attorney in both Ventura and Santa Barbara counties; and, was a certified specialist in criminal for 25 years who served on the California Attorneys for Criminal Justice Board of Governors and the California Judges Association Executive Board.


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