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The Great London Fire Court: Relevant 17th-century procedures for COVID disputes?

By Howard B. Miller


Diversion options for veterans

By Eileen C. Moore


DOJ playbooks: New covers, same rules?

By Misa Eiritz, Randy Grossman


Summary judgment motion deadlines modified by new legislation

By Stuart M. Rice


How the VA turned its back on incarcerated veterans

By Eileen C. Moore


It's a small world that can be wrapped with one click

By Arash Homampour


California's new trust accounting rules: A critical update for attorneys

By Erin M. Joyce, Soovya Nagin


Non-banking financial institutions face increased data breach reporting obligations by FTC

By Daniel B. Garrie, David Shonka


Arbitrating the trade secret misappropriation case: benefits and challenges

By Claude M. Stern


New SEC rules create industry chaos

By Sara L. Terheggen


Beyond rescheduling: reimagining cannabis policy for a more just society

By Warren Arndt, Allison B. Margolin


Navigating California tax disputes

By Robert W. Wood


Telling the story of a trust administration, in numbers: an introduction to trust accountings

By Matthew D. Kanin, Nancy Reinhardt


New Title IX rules will require new approaches to resolution

By Angela Reddock-Wright


Questions about PAGA remain unanswered


SEC suffers judicial setbacks for administrative hearings

By Kenneth Herzinger, Nicolas Morgan, Thomas A. Zaccaro


AAPI service to the United States has been documented since 1812

By Eileen C. Moore


The Effect of Reversal on Appeal

By David M. Axelrad


Steer clear of legal settlement tax myths

By Robert W. Wood


Titanic, Hindenburg, DIY appeals

By Benjamin G. Shatz


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