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Law Practice

Defense lawyers representing companies in Proposition 65 lawsuits are fond of pointing the finger at plaintiffs and accusing ...


TORONTO - Even as Congress is debating campaign-finance reform, the American Bar Association, meeting in Canada Monday, came o...


Vega Nominated as U.S. Attorney

Aug. 5, 1998
By Marty Graham

SAN DIEGO - Sen. Barbara Boxer, D-Calif., has nominated Assistant U.S. Attorney Gregory Vega for appointment as the U.S. atto...

Judges and Judiciary

SACRAMENTO - Ending years of debate on how to provide voters more information about appellate justices, Secretary of State Bi...


Supreme Court Hands Insurers Major Victory

Aug. 5, 1998
By Anna Marie Stolley

In a resounding victory for insurance companies and their lawyers, a divided California Supreme Court ruled Monday that an in...

Judges and Judiciary

Judges and Judiciary

Healthy War Chest

Aug. 1, 1998
By Tom Dresslar


Monica's Deal Furrows a Few Legal Eyebrows

Aug. 1, 1998
By Martin Bergn

Ethics/Professional Responsibility

High Court Sets New Deadline for Malpractice

Aug. 1, 1998
By Philip Carrizosa

Judges and Judiciary

Los Angeles Judge Rejects Unification

Aug. 1, 1998
By Denise Levin

Judges and Judiciary

Orange County Approves Unification

Jul. 31, 1998
By Tori Richards


Jury Recommends Death for Riverside Mom

Jul. 31, 1998
By Jason Armstrong & Sean Windle


DA Will Retry Overturned Capital Murder Case

Jul. 31, 1998
By Michael Harris


Foreign Agents

Jul. 31, 1998
By Alex Chun, Pearl Piatt & Mary Micheletti


A Second Man Charged With Threats to Garcetti

Jul. 31, 1998
By Michael Harris

Judges and Judiciary

Law Practice

English Only

Jul. 31, 1998
By Leslie Gordon


Environmental Firm Has Unconventional Air

Jul. 31, 1998
By Heather Gordon


Anti-Paparazzi Bill Advances in Assembly

Jul. 31, 1998
By Peter Blumberg


Judge Tosses Oleander Ban Citation

Jul. 31, 1998
By Jason Armstrong & Sean Windle


Ginsburg Views Lewinsky Deal As Vindication

Jul. 31, 1998
By Martin Bergn

Personal Injury & Torts

Proposition 213 Allows Family of Uninsured to Sue

Jul. 31, 1998
By Anna Marie Stolley


Lawyer Dies Just Two Days Before Imprisonment

Jul. 31, 1998
By Michael Harris

Real Estate/Development

Apparent Easement

Jul. 30, 1998
By Michael Ueda



Children of the World

Jul. 30, 1998
By Cheryl Romo


L.A. Judges Expected to Reject Unification

Jul. 30, 1998
By Denise Levin


Prisoner's Flight From Court Not a True 'Escape'

Jul. 30, 1998
By Anna Marie Stolley


Gender Bias Spurs Attorney to Thrive In Law Profession

Jul. 30, 1998
By Patricia Morris Buckley