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Constitutional Law

Immunization Booster

Aug. 18, 1999
By Erwin Chemerinsky

^^Constitutional Law^^ Immunization Booster Supreme Court Strikes a Blow for States' Rights Constitutional historians will re...

Judges and Judiciary

Under Submission

Aug. 3, 1999
By Arthur Gilbert

Please do not call me active. It is true I get up early in the morning. To be more accurate, I crawl out of bed and stumble on...

Law Practice

Pitching In

Jul. 22, 1999
By David A. Lash

^^In the Public Interest^^ By David A. Lash A generation of 20-somethings has been the target of some negative media portrayal...


By Rex Heeseman The plaintiffs' bar has eagerly embraced the Unfair Competition Act, Business and Professions Code Section 172...