Christopher David Ruiz Cameron
Justice Marshall F. McComb Professor of Law Southwestern Law School
In the typical wrongful termination claim tried in a court of
law, the prevailing employee expects to collect interest for every day that her
award of backpay goes unpaid by the employer, starting on the date that she was
fired and ending on the date that judgment is entered in her favor. The same
expectation holds if the claim is diverted to mandatory, pre-dispute employment
arbitration. Although a dispute may arise over how much interest should
be paid - that is, what the precise interest rate should be - it is relatively
rare for a dispute to arise over whether interest is owed.
In the typical wrongful termination grievance pursued in labor
arbitration, however, the prevailing grievant and her union may not know what
to expect, at least when it comes to interest. Absent a specific requirement
imposed by the relevant collective bargaining agreement (CBA) or memorandum of
understanding (MOU), some labor arbitrators will grant pre-judgment interest on
backpay awards and some will not. A similar split can
be found among hearing officers who entertain civil service appeals.
So, to clarify things I was asked the following question at a
recent labor arbitration conference:
Q. When is it appropriate to expect pre-judgment interest on
a back pay award in labor arbitration? What about post-judgment interest?
A. The short answer is that it depends on what the contract says
and who the arbitrator is. If the CBA or MOU is silent - as is so often the
case- and if the arbitrator is me, then the answer is easy: I will award
pre-judgment interest. And I may award post-judgment interest as well,
especially if the employer unreasonably delays payment of the full sum owed.
My reason for awarding pre-judgment interest is the same reason
that interest is awarded on back pay in a court of law: it is necessary to make
the claimant whole. Pre-judgment interest compensates the employee for earnings
lost due to her inability to invest or spend the money while the dispute was
being litigated and the money owed was being wrongfully withheld by the
In my view, the typical arguments against awarding interest on
back pay are unpersuasive. These arguments are that such an award exceeds the
arbitrator's authority because it is not explicitly authorized by contract,
punitive in nature, and/or against past practice or tradition. But absent clear
language to the contrary, a CBA is widely understood as giving the arbitrator
broad remedial power to make the affected party whole. Awarding interest does
this. Moreover, such an award is restorative rather than punitive in nature. And
although I will respect a past practice if it is proven, I will not honor
tradition for tradition's sake if it fails to make the grievant whole. Perhaps
that is why even arbitrators who do not typically award pre-judgment interest
say they may do so when the aggrieved party makes a specific request. In my
experience, however, it is unusual for an advocate to specify that interest is
sought, at least until the remedy phase of the matter.
But labor arbitrators in general are split over whether and in
what measure interest should be paid (see Elkouri
& Elkouri, How Arbitration Works at pp. 18-31 to
18-32 (8th ed. 2016)).
Outside labor arbitration, however, the law is clear that
pre-judgment interest on back pay is owed, even if the law is a bit unclear on
what the precise interest rate should be.
For example, in California, the interest rate on breach of
contract damages is set by law at 10% (see Cal. Civ. Code § 3289(b); see
also Cal. Const. art. XV, § 1 (permitting pre-judgment interest of up to
The exact interest rate may vary from setting to setting. For
example, the California Public
Employment Relations Board (PERB) has approved interest at the rate of 7%. And
the last time I checked, the National Labor Relations
Board (NLRB) imposed interest at the rate of 8%. Among the formulas that may be
used to set the rate are some types of adjusted prime interest rate, the rate
at which an individual could borrow the funds from a private lender, or the
rate at which the employer is collecting interest on the sum being withheld.
A related question is
whether interest on back pay should be compounded daily or yearly. I have
awarded interest that is compounded yearly, but in recent years, PERB,
following the NLRB, has opted to award interest that is compounded daily
(see, e.g., El Centro Regional Medical Center, Decision No.
2980-M (Feb. 21, 2024)).
As a practical matter, it is rare for any remedy dispute to come
before me. When I have ruled in favor of the grievant, my practice is to remand
the matter to the parties with general instructions to negotiate a make-whole
remedy that includes back pay with interest - and leave the details to the
negotiations. I retain jurisdiction only to resolve any remedy dispute that may
arise within one year of my award being issued. In the vast
majority of cases, I hear nothing further. But once in
a while, I do hear back from the parties. And lately, they have been
arguing over interest.
For example, in a case involving a municipal employer, I
sustained the grievance and awarded back pay with interest. Then I remanded the
case to the parties so that the particulars could be worked out. The city
objected on two grounds: first, it had never paid interest because there was no
past practice requiring it to do so; and second, even if the city was ordered
to pay interest, it should pay only 1.5%, which was the return earned by money
sitting in some general fund account. Under these unique circumstances, I split
the difference between 1.5% and 10% and imposed an interest rate of 5%.
And in a separate case involving the same employer, I was asked
to intervene when over 12 months of remedy negotiations had broken down over
the city's inability to calculate the principal sum of back pay that was owed
to each grievant. At a status conference called to discuss the remedy, I
reminded the city that it would owe not only pre-judgment but also
post-judgment interest due to its unreasonable delay in making the grievants whole.
The takeaway for most advocates in arbitration is this: if you
plan to ask for (or oppose) an award of interest, then you should be prepared
to make a timely request, state the rate you expect, and offer the appropriate
authorities supporting your position. And it wouldn't hurt to know what your
arbitrator's views on the subject are - in advance of selecting her.