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self-study/Business Organization

The top 10 legal issues for startups

By Roger Royse

self-study/Intellectual Property

Takedown notices and developments in fair use

By Neville L. Johnson, Douglas L. Johnson


Drafting enforceable employment arbitration agreements

By Kacey R. Riccomini, Arthur F. Silbergeld

self-study/Alternative Dispute Resolution

Color me mine: Trademarking a color

By Caitlin C. Conway, Peter Harvey


Who wants (tax-free) $10 Million?

By Michael Shaff

self-study/Family Law

When absence does not make the heart grow fonder

By Scott M. Gordon

self-study/Legal Ethics

You’ve lost your client. Now what?

By Lucy Vartanian


Official records hearsay exception

By Elia V. Pirozzi, Alex Ricciardulli


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The Daily Journal Corporation, publisher of the Los Angeles and San Francisco Daily Journals, is approved by the State Bar of California as a continuing legal education provider. These self-study and participatory activities qualify for Minimum Continuing Legal Education credit in the amount of one hour. The Daily Journal Corporation certifies that this activity conforms to the standards for approved education activities prescribed by the rules and regulations of the State Bar of California.