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Jurist Court Published
W. Scott Snowden Napa County Superior Court Nov. 13, 1998
Victoria M. Chavez Los Angeles Superior Court Jun. 11, 1998
Salvador Sarmiento Orange County Superior May 15, 1998
Kenneth P. Barnum Santa Clara Superior May 5, 1998
Dennis J. McLaughlin Alameda County Superior Nov. 21, 1997
David S. Wooten Tulare County Superior Oct. 27, 1997
Stephen D. Cunnison Apr. 16, 1997
Melinda M. Reed Tulare Superior Jan. 16, 1997
Brett R. Alldredge Tulare County Superior Court Jan. 7, 1997
Glenda Allen-Hill Fresno County Superior Court Dec. 17, 1996
Phillip A. Silva Fresno Superior Court Nov. 19, 1996
Michael S. McCartin Orange County Superior Nov. 1, 1996
Alan V. Pineschi Oct. 15, 1996
Perry M. Parker Sutter County Superior Sep. 25, 1996
Gary K. Barrett Aug. 29, 1996
Ronald M. Christianson Jul. 9, 1996
Thomas L. Bender Madera County Superior May 29, 1996
Patrick Jon Zika May 13, 1996
Bradley L. Boeckman Shasta County Superior Court May 8, 1996
Robert W. Zakon Jul. 28, 1995
Marvin R. Baxter California Supreme Court Mar. 24, 1995
Manuel L. Real U.S. District Court, Central (Los Angeles) Nov. 30, 1993
Sandra L. Berry Nov. 26, 1993
Patricia Cookson San Diego Superior Court Aug. 19, 1993
Frances Rothschild 2nd District Court of Appeal Jul. 16, 1993
Martin G. Engquist May 20, 1993
Sidney B. Findley San Luis Obispo County Superior Sep. 18, 1992
Thomas J. Whelan U.S. District Court of California, Southern District May 1, 1992
Anthony C. Filosa Los Angeles Superior Court Nov. 15, 1991
Alvin B. Calof Los Angeles Superior Court May 12, 1987