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self-study/Family Law

271 sanctions: game changer or just the bogeyman?

By Scott J. Nord

self-study/Family Law

But we agreed! Domestic violence and custody disputes

By Scott J. Nord

self-study/Family Law

Was it a gift, or wasn’t it?

By Scott J. Nord

self-study/Family Law

Why can’t I see my grandchild?

By Scott J. Nord

self-study/Family Law

Litigating prenuptial agreements: validity and scope (part 2)

By Brandon Johnson, Carly Timm-Bijold, Diana P. Zitser

self-study/Family Law

Litigating prenuptial agreements: validity and scope

By Brandon Johnson, Carly Timm-Bijold, Diana P. Zitser

self-study/Family Law

Guardianships, the least restrictive alternative?

By Scott J. Nord

participatory/Family Law

A family lawyer meets the moment

By Howard B. Miller, Stacy D. Phillips

self-study/Family Law

Modifying spousal and child support as a result of the pandemic

By Vivian Carrasco Hosp, Lance S. Spiegel


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The Daily Journal Corporation, publisher of the Los Angeles and San Francisco Daily Journals, is approved by the State Bar of California as a continuing legal education provider. These self-study and participatory activities qualify for Minimum Continuing Legal Education credit in the amount of one hour. The Daily Journal Corporation certifies that this activity conforms to the standards for approved education activities prescribed by the rules and regulations of the State Bar of California.