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Minor’s Compromises: a guide

By Scott J. Nord


The Great London Fire Court: Relevant 17th-century procedures for COVID disputes?

By Howard B. Miller

self-study/Data Privacy

Here comes a wave of data privacy litigation

By Gary S. Lincenberg, Darren Patrick, Steven Zipperstein

participatory/Legal Ethics

Changed pathways to becoming a lawyer

By Howard B. Miller


The future of advance conflict waivers in California

By Amy L. Bomse

self-study/Criminal Law

Review the rules requiring corroboration of accomplice testimony

By Gregory L. Prickett


Labor's love gained: Employee rights in new legislation

By Howard B. Miller

self-study/Real Estate

SB 1079 is a set back for both lenders and borrowers

By Robert S. McWhorter, Jarrett Osborne-Revis


The ever-changing saga of the joint-employer doctrine

By Mellissa A. Schafer

participatory/Alternative Dispute Resolution

The world today: Resolving international technology disputes

By Howard B. Miller


California’s new diversity mandate for corporate boards

By Jennifer Rubin


Bar Exam Agonistes

By Howard B. Miller


Ruling corrects troubling unemployment insurance claim trend

By Mai Linh Spencer


Judicial Council: Justice and rules

By Howard B. Miller


SB 1159 extends California’s COVID-19 presumption of compensability

By Yvette Davis, Theodore A. Penny

self-study/Real Estate

Can you count?

By Guido I. Piotti


Arizona leads: Access to justice, innovative financing and legal paraprofessionals

By Howard B. Miller, Ann Timmer


California Legislature 2020: New bills you immediately need to know

By Howard B. Miller

participatory/Criminal Law

Bail Reform


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